We have been meeting at this venue Clovenside Forres for the last 10 years courtesy of the generous owners.

A Place of life
Building work is completed to convert the double garage into a small hall and build a kitchen. We want to reach out to the community offering a meeting space, befriending for older people, youth groups and Alpha and CAP courses.

The Building
We now have sole occupancy of the building by taking out a 10 year lease with the owners, providing a long-term base for Forres Baptist Church. We are continuing to raise money to cover the cost of the lease, furnish the new kitchen and hall and eventually purchase our own building.

Sole Occupancy
Having sole occupancy of the building enables us to:
continue to meet every Sunday
to have more space for childrens' church
to continue to run Alpha
to run CAP money courses
offer a meeting space
widen our engagement with the local community
We value your prayers for this project. If you would like to know more please contact.
If you would like to donate, cheques can be made payable to Forres Baptist Church.